Advance and feature rich Alibaba Clone Software

Checkout Alibaba Clone Script Features

System Features

Alibaba Clone Script Features

Alibaba clone store membership feature

Store Membership Subscription

Use script in build option to manage up store membership. Right now there is four types of membership plans. Which can be managed from the admin side. You can set your own price there and plan to expire in days.

micro website for seller
micro website store view
micro website product page sotre
store micro website for vendor

Micro Website for store

Seller/Store/Vendor will have their own online store with a micro website like This is one of the best features that our Alibaba Clone PRO script has. On each registration store, an owner will have the option to set up his own micro website on our platform. He can use his name like Also there is the option to manage up store content, layout, design, color and other things from the vendor panel. He can use unlimited color options customize his store.

store page alibaba clone
product page alibaba clone
alibaba clone User details page

Unlimited Vendors/Products/Users

There is no limit on vendors, products or users. You can add unlimited customers, vendors as you want.

alibaba clone RFQ section
alibaba clone RFQ lead section feature

Buy Requirements/ Request for quotation (RFQ) Module

A new way module to grab more leads for the paid members. The script has the module RFQ (Sourcepro) where every user can put his buy requirements and all vendor/stores can give the quote.



  • Search based on keywords, categories, posting dates, countries etc.
  • Front page display for listing categories and Gold member listings
  • Inquire about multiple products
  • Extensive Members control panel
  • City, state filter
  • Currency Converter
  • Complete Classified Section
  • Totally New Look
  • Contact us form for getting feedback from visitors
  • Email verification (Can be switched on/off from admin panel)
  • Fully Responcive Site.
  • Password retrieval system
  • In built ad management system
  • Support for banner ads, text ads

Admin or CMS Panel

  • Extensive usage stats
  • Similar stats are available for catalog items, profiles and new signups
  • Categories management console (multilevel)
  • Add / edit / remove categories
  • Switch ON-OFF email verification process
  • Configure all outgoing emails
  • Image thumbnailing
  • Extensive member management console
  • View/Edit/Delete Members
  • Search members
  • Manage currencies
  • Bad word filter
  • Search/edit/delete/approve products in catalog
  • Extensive company profile management console
  • Search/view/edit/approve company profiles
  • Extensive buy offers management console
  • Search/edit/delete/approve buy offers
  • Extensive sell offers management console
  • Search/edit/delete/approve sell offers
  • Search/edit/delete messages sent through site
  • Visitor feedbacks section
  • Sponsored ad management
  • Support for banner ads, text ads
  • Admin can Add/Edit/Delete/Approve/Disapprove any ad
  • Support for running google ad
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